Customer Testimonials

What Our Customers Are Saying…

Mike of Taylor Pest Management preformed my service at my home and did a really nice job. He removed spider webs. He then put down on the grass a pest control substance, I asked him first if it was safe for my golden retriever. He told me it was very safe for her.  I have had Taylor Pest Management out about four times now and since we have not had any issues. Each of the techs that come out are very professional and very nice to work with. I would recommend Taylor Pest Management to anyone. -Jason R

Taylor Pest Management was the third termite inspector I saw and the best. Straight talk, no pressure, good information, professional, helpful and very decent prices. Highly recommended.   – Susan W

We are very happy with Taylor Pest Control. We’ve been using their services for almost 3 years and will continue.  The whole team has always been responsive to any needs that we have, has always contacted us when he’s on the way to our house and has always said “Call me if you need anything!”  -Mark S.